Computer programs can be frustrating. Therefore, it is important to choose a platform that will be easy to use and relatively inexpensive. If you are new to using Linux, there are some specific benefits of using this platform versus Windows


Perhaps the most obvious benefit of using a Linux system is that it can be obtained at no charge and is capable of being used on multiple computers. Microsoft products are expensive and contain a license that will work for only one computer. Once the licensed software is used, the user will need to purchase the product again for each computer. Linux also requires no costly add-ons.


Linux can be used on any computer. With programs such as Windows, you are generally required to purchase a new computer every few years in order for those programs to run properly. Linux machine requirements do not change drastically over time. This is why older computers are compatible with Linux


Another advantage of Linux is that it is reliable. Linux is capable of running for several years without failure. Microsoft is notorious for the “blue screen of death.”


If you have questions concerning the Linux system, there’s a multitude of information available via the Internet. You will find the answers to your Linux questions online, and the advice is free. If you need help with Microsoft Windows programs, such as Word, support technicians are willing to help. However, you are usually charged a fee for the support you receive. Linux users who provide advice through online forums and other areas of the Internet are not paid to help you. Therefore, you will receive sound advice from other users who have the experience to help.

Convenient Updates

Word and other Microsoft Windows programs require a reboot when changes or updates are made. Linux, however, will allow you to keep working as changes and updates are made. Therefore, you do not run the risk of losing work or being interrupted in order to reboot.

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