Zombie Hell

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Help the 10 people survive 10 days of zombie hell! and collect as much cash as possible ! Kill the zombies by using your baseball bat, or upgrade to better weapons to kick zombie ass! Use the house as a place to recharge your energy when zombies are not attacking it! There are 8 weapon upgrades available and body armour, although your people can only have one weapon at a time.


Click on a face icon to select that person. Then click anywhere on the screen to move them to that position. When they are inside the house clicking outside of the house moves them to that position, and clicking the house when outside returns them to the house When outside you can also click on the person directly to control them. To make a person attack a zombie simply move them close to the zombie and the person will attack with whatever weapon they have! Different weapons have different ranges though. Pressing 1 - 9 and 0 on the keyboard also selects the corresponding person. p to pause.


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